Site Location
Grid Reference |
NN864375 |
Easting |
286400 |
Northing |
737500 |
Altitude (m) |
260 |
Island Name |
Mainland |
Country |
Scotland |
OS Map |
52 |
UK Lakes Portal |
UK Lakes Portal |
SNH Area |
Tayside and Grampian |
Natural Heritage Zone |
Central Argyll and Breadalbane |
Site Name |
Designation |
Sitelink |
Loch Freuchie Meadows
Local Authority Name |
Perth and Kinross |
Site Characteristics
Site Origin |
Natural Lake |
Surface Area (ha) |
35.00 |
Catchment Area (ha) |
Max Dimension (m) |
Max Depth (m) |
Mean Depth (m) |
Retention Time |
Houses |
Yes |
Roads |
Yes |
Lake Group (Duigan 2006) |
D - Widespread, often large, mid-altitude circumneutral lakes, with a high diversity of plants including Littorella uniflora, Myriophyllum alterniflorum, Callitriche hamulata, Fontinalis antipyretica and Glyceria fluitans. |
Lake Type (Palmer 1992) |
3 |
PLEX Score |
5.43 |
Geology |
Quartz-mica-schist, grit, slate & phyllite (Upper Dalradian) |
Access Description |
Site occurs between 0.1 and 0.5km from a metalled road with a dirt track leading to within 0.1km of the site. |