You are here: SNH Home > wetlands > Standing Waters Database > SNH Area Queries
  • Water chemistry: displays summary statistics for pH, conductivity and alkalinity of lakes within the Area, organised by lake group.
  • Species: displays a list of macrophytes recorded within the Area and the number of lakes at which each species was found.
  • Macrophytes by lake: displays the number of macrophytes recorded at each surveyed lake.
  • Potamogeton taxa: displays a list of lakes at which Potamogetons (pondweeds) were found.
  • Charophyte species: displays a list of lakes at which Charophytes (stoneworts) were found.
  • NVC Communities: displays the NVC community types that were recorded within the Area and the number of lakes at which each type was found.
  • Designated sites: displays a list of designated sites for the Area in which macrophyte surveys were carried out.
  • Lochs in Designated Site: displays a list of lochs in designated sites for the Area in which macrophyte surveys were carried out.
  • Macrophytes in Designated Site: displays a list of Macrophytes in designated sites for the Area in which macrophyte surveys were carried out.
  • Local Authority: displays a list of sites for the local authority in which macrophyte surveys were carried out.